Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Food Glorious Food!

Dayton tried his first 'solids' yesterday - - - if you want to call a tablespoon of rice cereal with three tablespoons breastmilk 'solids'. He may have even swallowed a bit, maybe. The good news is that he was interested in the mush so we tried again today. Hopefully by the New Year he will understand that to successfully eat 'solids' a different mouth and tongue motion is required compared to sucking on a bottle or boob. As long as he acquires this ability by the time he's ten years old we should be okay. Time will tell.
We're so proud....

Sunday, December 20, 2009

A Very Namie Weekend

Namie flew in on Thursday for a 3 night visit and made it a fourth night due to the snowstorm in the northeast. Dayton was very happy she stayed another day.

Dayton is consistently sleeping thru the night (12 hours last night). After the car accident on Halloween he began waking up up to 5 times a night. He had always been a one-time-a-night kind of guy so this was a big change. I decided the best way to combat this was to stop feeding him in the middle of the night all together. How is he going to know which of the five times he was waking up was the one he would be getting fed? It was a less than a week when he began understanding that it was okay for him to fall back to sleep on his own when he woke up in the middle of the night.

He is sitting up on his own AND reaching/picking up objects while he is sitting. Pretty impressive! Also, last night he discovered that he can jump. He is jumping in his jumperoo and exersaucer and VERY excited about it.

Here are some pictures and video from a Very Namie Weekend.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Let the Holidays Begin!

Dayton is already having such a great time this holiday season. The only downer is that he has come down with his first daycare-caused cold (note his very red cheeks from fever in the first picture below) and passed it onto his parents. Through it all, he remains a very happy boy. We all went to Dayton's daycare Holiday party and also celebrated Dayton's first night of Hannukah. It was a very touching evening. We called Great Grandpa Hershey to say the prayer to light the menorah. That is Great Grandpa on the phone in the picture. Dayton selected his first Hannukah present. A multi-colored cloth ball that that laughs and talks as it is tossed around.

We welcomed our babysitter, Maria, back last night so that Mike and I could go to Lights in the Heights. Dayton was so excited to see her and was immediately laughing from her kisses. As many of you know, sadly, Maria's son was murdered the week prior to Thanksgiving. Maria and her family are still going through a lot of trauma. Her son's wife went into labor shortly after administering CPR to her husband and delivered a baby boy the day after Maria's son passed away. If you would like to donate to Maria's family follow this link:

I apologize for the sad paragraph but I hope the following pictures make you smile! Happy Hannukah!!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Dayton's First Snowfall

It's a big event in Houston. Snow. Not just a flurry here and there, it has been snowing since 8 AM this morning and it's supposed to continue the rest of the afternoon. This is not just a big deal for Dayton, since it is his first, it's a HUGE deal for all of Houston. They are expecting a couple of inches accumulation. Amazing! I remember the days living in MA and NY...I was used to feet of snow. Now, I get excited over the slightest sign of these cold flakes falling from the sky.

Check out the video - - - Mike and I were definitely more excited then Dayton about the snow.

Dayton is 5 Months Old!

I took these pictures one day late - - - on December 4th, but we'll never know the difference when we look back at them in the future.

He is just so cute! Yes, I'm bias but I'm proud.

Dayton's First Day of Daycare

Well, Dayton did fine but his Mom, on the other hand, had a rough time with his first day of daycare. His caretakers said that he cried a normal amount for a baby's first few days. I think I cried a normal amount as well. He is eating and sleeping fine there. They even commented that he was happy on his second day.

I've started back at work and am transitioning into an internal role. My good friend, Kathryn, is about to go on maternity leave so I'm taking her position while she welcomes a new member of her family into the world. I will be predominately working from home.

Here are a few pics from Dayton's first day at daycare, Tuesday, December 1st, 2009. The picture of me and Dayton is from the morning before he 'left for school'. The other picture is how I found him when I came to pick him up in the afternoon. He was fascinated with the little boy that was crying in the exersaucer next to him.

Monday, November 30, 2009

A Very Happy Thanksgiving

Dayton's first Thanksgiving was filled with smiles, squeals, happiness and love. Namie, Bebop and Nan all came in to visit their Grandson (and maybe his parents too). Dayton was so happy to have everyone here to hold and talk to him. I think he knew that these people love him!

Over the past week and a half or so, Dayton has begun reaching and grabbing everything. This includes toys and noses as some of the pictures show. Other good news...he has been consistently sleeping thru the night for the past few weeks. We're so thankful.

Sadly, Dayton starts daycare tomorrow. I'm sure he'll do fine...I'm more concerned about me. I have so enjoyed this precious time with him. I'm so sad to see this chapter (maternity leave) come to an end. I'm going to miss spending every day with him. I have never felt so healthy emotionally, mentally and physically. I love you, Day Day, Little D, D-boy, bub bub, my little boy.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sitting Up & The Swing

We had a playgroup in the park today. The weather could not have been more perfect. I had not realized that Dayton was big enough for the playground swings until I saw other Moms putting their babies in them. He loved it.

Dayton is also getting better at sitting up on his own. He's 4 1/2 months old and has so much sweet personality. He brings us such joy.

Another piece of good news. We bought a car last night. A 2008 Toyota 4Runner with 30K miles on it. May it be as reliable and protect us just as well as my 2000 4Runner did.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Family Weekend

It has been too long that we had a weekend - - - the 3 of us (plus the animals, of course). I think Dayton thoroughly enjoyed himself too. I love the pictures of Dayton in his walker. He loves to chew on the bar. I'm sure this is a sign of things to come. I hear whispers of babies chewing on their cribs and having to install crib protectors. Let's hope our son does not have rabbit tendencies.

It's wonderful to have Mike home. We're all happier.