Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Dayton Goes to the Zoo!
To prove that Dayton was REALLY at the zoo, I've taken a few pictures of him napping with the animals in the background. You can see here the goats in the background at the petting zoo and the prairie dogs (and crow) in the other picture. I think the only animal that Dayton really saw was was the 'Dong Dong Duck' hanging from his carseat. Actually, Dayton did get out of his carseat in time to see the orangutans but I did not get a picture.
Unfortunately, after months of very little rain in Houston, we happened to go to the zoo on the first truly rainy day. Our trip was cut a bit short but we all had a great time (at least the Mommies did).
Monday, September 7, 2009
A Bumbo - - - What?
There is a little thing called a 'bumbo' that is truly one of those baby inventions you wish you had thought of. Explained quite simply, it is a spongy chair for an infant that has not yet mastered the talent of sitting up on his/her own yet. Well, Dayton had his first bumbo-experience this weekend with a little help from a blanket to fill in the space as the bumbo is still a bit big for him. We were all pretty excited about Dayton's first bumbo experience. Dayton got a kick out of it too. Of course, four-legged big sister, Mikki, watched over Dayton as well. We took tons of pictures including a pic of the entire family (minus Tiger) using the camera's self-timer. Enjoy the videos and pics.
Having Dayton in our lives has not interfered with our Saturday tradition of going to the Mucky Duck for lunch. If anything, it has enhanced our Duck experience. Everyone gets a kick out of having a baby at the bar. http://www.mcgonigels.com/
I've included a couple 'cute outfit' pictures. The Ducky outfit is from my parents and the other outfit pic has Dayton wearing his Catepillar boots from Stacy, Robert and Ramsey. He looked so cute!
In other news, we had our first babysitter last night. Yes, we left Dayton with a perfect stranger. She came highly recommended by the Heights Kids Group which is a WONDERFUL on-line forum and in-person playgroups that we have all greatly benefited from. After a bit of initial crying, Dayton was asleep on Maria's lap before we left for our evening outing and was happily sitting on her lap when we returned 3 hours later.
I'm afraid I may curse us by including this in the blog but I'm going to go ahead and say it. Dayton is ALMOST sleeping thru the night. He is in his crib fast asleep by 9:40 PM, wakes between 3 and 4:30 AM for a 10 minute feeding and I'm back in bed within 15 minutes of waking. He then sleeps until between 6:30 and 7:15 AM. Thank gosh for this book - - - 12 Hours of Sleep in 12 Weeks that we have been following. It definitely seems to be working well for us. I'm sure a little luck thrown in has also helped. I'm knocking on wood.
Friday, September 4, 2009
September 3rd, 2009 - Two Months Old
He really enjoys his walks around the neighborhood. It was drizzling this morning and in the low 70s (brrrrr, cold for Houston) so Dayton got to wear a sweatshirt and hoody for the first time. He looked so cute.
I tried to upload a great video of him talking and smiling but it is too big for the blog. We realize now that he will actual mimic the oooohs and ahhhs that we make to him. He will stare at our lips, think about it, and let out a sound that is quite similar to the sound we made. I'll try to get a video of this phenomenon soon to share with you.
Happy 2 Month Birthday, Dayton!
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