My first cousin, Jenna, came to visit from New Jersey on Monday evening thru Wednesday. Her visit could not have come at a better time as I was still going thru the post-trauma of the car accident. It was such a relief to have family here to keep me distracted, lend a pair of helping hands as well as change my mindset from trauma to opportunity. Thank you, Jenna!
Dayton really enjoyed spending time with Jenna too. The weather in Houston has been mid-70s and sunny blue sky all week. We spent a lot of time walking and Dayton got to have his first few stroller rides in his jogging stroller. He seems to really like it, thankfully, as he is growing so quickly I won't be able to carry him in the bjorn carrier forever.
At this week's 4 month doctor's appointment, he weighed 15 lbs 11 oz and stretches over 26 inches long. He remains 75% in weight and has dropped 5% to the 90% in height. He's only ounces away from being double his birth weight.
On a frustrating note, Dayton's sleep schedule has been completely disrupted by the car accident. For months now his schedule has been to bed at 9 PM, up around 3 AM for a 4 minute feeding, and awake around 7 AM. Since the night of the accident he is now getting up every 2 - 3 hours. Last night he was up at 11:30 PM, 1:30 AN, 2:30, 3, 6 and finally 7:30 AM. I played the tough Mom last night and only picked him up at 3 AM since that was the typical time he would get his middle of the night feeding. Here I was the week prior to the accident trying to eliminate the once a night feeding and now I'm struggling to just get him back to the once a night schedule. Darn wrecker driver....
Mike is on a flight home as I write this. I cannot wait for him to see Dayton. He has changed so much in these 3 weeks that Mike has been out of the country. Mike's comment seeing some recent pictures of Dayton was, "he has so much more hair!". It will be a wonderful reunion.