Why all this Texans talk? It's wildflower season! Our good friends, Andy, Kathryn, little William (2 years old) and baby Michael (4 months) invited us out to their family's farm about an hour outside of Houston. Sadly, Mike is away travelling but Dayton and I packed up and hit the road. It was well worth the trip that ended up being almost 2 hours long due to all the traffic caused by flower-peepers (a.k.a. people slowing down/pulling over to the side of the road to look and take pictures of the wild flowers). Dayton and I really enjoyed spending time with the Principe family. It was a day of firsts for Dayton. The first time he met a horse, pet a horse, met a chicken, got pecked by a chicken. Those little chickens are quick!
We also got our token photoshoot in the wild flowers. Kathryn, Dayton and I went on an adventure in a go-cart-on-sterioids type vehicle into the 500 acres of land to find the perfect patch. Since neither of us knew where we were going, we cut the the trip a bit short as we did not want to get lost in the woods. It's funny how our risk-taking behavior has dramatically decreased since becoming Moms. Nonetheless, we found the perfect patch and many of the pictures below are the result.
In other news, Dayton was caught standing on his own several times this week. Last night, he found it hysterical as he tested himself standing with no hands as he let go of the edge of the tub (outside the tub, not inside...I'm not crazy). He would lift both his hands, look at me, and let out a squeal before his hands hit the edge again. In other discoveries, he found my teeth last night and thought my pearly whites were a cause for great laughter.
I love being a Mom.