June was a very exciting month with birthdays, Namie and Bebop's visit, a very split lip from lip to bathtub contact (thankfully Bebop was here to calm our nerves) and the birth of a new Hirschenfang, Daniel Hirschenfang on June 21st. Cousin Annabel has become a big sister to a beautiful little boy. We cannot wait to meet him. We've booked our trip to NJ for the end of July.
We are preparing for Dayton's First Birthday which is only 3 days away, July 3rd. My heart swells with pride but also a bit of sadness too as I reflect that in one short year we welcomed a newborn into our lives and now have a toddler running around the house. Time is flying so fast. As he approaches his 1 year birthday, Dayton nearly runs, climbs up and down stairs, says 'Go', 'Mama', 'Dada', and loves to talk in his own language for now. He immediately fell in love with Namie and Bebop's gift of a slide/swing for outside. Check out the video below. He loves the animals more than ever. His favorite game is pushing anything around the room. He has one object in one hand and another in the other hand and pushes and pushes and pushes. He is becoming a bit more needy. For example, "waaaahhhh, I did not want to be put down", or "waaaah, I want to go outside and you shut the door". All of this is apparently normal but it's interesting to witness the transition.
We'll post plenty of pictures when we return from Colorado where we will be celebrating Dayton's first birthday.