Between walking around NYC, playgrounds galore, naps in his stroller while Namie, Bebop and I lunched, the zoo, visits from Aunt Sandi, Aunt Phyllis, Jenna, Joe, sleepovers at cousin Annabel's, Aunt Sandi's, swimming in pools big and small, AND a surprise engagement celebration for Jenna and David with cousins Celia, Bruce, Allie, Emily and Joey - - - - Dayton had a blast. Phew!
Of course, in all our fun, we did miss Dayton's Daddy/my handsome and his four-legged siblings Mikki, Piper and Tiger.
Dayton stays up to date with Namie and Bebop over skype. Check out the video at the bottom of this post of him chatting away to Namie last night.