We had a wonderful Labor Day weekend with a visit from Dayton's Nan (Mike's Mom).
Unfortunately, the happiness of the weekend had a shadow of sad news hovering over it.
We found out late last week that our Mikki (my first four-legged child and Dayton's best friend) has bone cancer. I have been taking Mikki for acupuncture treatments (see picture of Mikki on the zebra print blanket with needles in) to help with pain management for her arthritis. The acupuncture vet noticed a large mass on Mikki's shoulder. Once she pointed it out, I could not believe I'd missed it. It has likely grown quite fast because she had a treatment only a couple weeks prior and the vet had not noticed it at that time. We have known for awhile now that Mikki was slowing down and to cherish every day with her. The diagnosis last week just made this mission even more important. Our goal is to keep her happy and comfortable for the remainder of her life and we hope that will go on for as long as possible. As Rommie did for us a couple years ago, Mikki will tell us when it is her time. In the mean time, she is still our happy (although hobbling) Mikki and loves being part of the family and a big sis to Dayton, as you will see from these pictures taken this weekend.
Back to happy news, it was wonderful to have Nan in town and the family together for a long weekend enjoying endless water activities, BBQs and Dayton's 14 Month Birthday!
At 14 months old, Dayton is running, climbing, dancing, throwing kisses and waving. He says 'Buh Buh' (for bye bye), Momma, Dadda, Go (his first word), 'mo' (for more), 'Ahhhh' (for all done) and throws in other words from time to time. When we tell Dayton to go over and give Mikki a hug, he walks over to her and lays his head down on her belly (see pic below). He also saw his first lawn being mowed this weekend. We were out for a walk and he stopped in his tracks. Eventually, we both sat down to watch the man mow his lawn. 15 minutes later, as we walked away, I told Dayton to blow the lawn man a kiss. He did. The next day, in the same spot but with no lawn man present, Dayton began throwing kisses to the same location. I realized later he was remembering the lawn man from the day prior. I have to remind myself that Dayton understands much more than I realize and give him credit for. At 14 months, the one thing Dayton hates - - - getting his diaper changed. Oi Veh. He turns into a kicking thrashing boy...we're working on this but it's not fun!
We were sad to see Nan go but she will be back for Thanksgiving. 'Buh buh', Nan! Smack (the sound of Dayton throwing a kiss).
Don't miss two videos at the bottom of this blog post. Dayton's friend in the pool is Faith Grahmann who just turned 2 years old. The two of them play so well together.