Thursday, August 11, 2011

A Big Announcement

The Dix-Hirschenfang Family is expecting a new family member around January 20th, 2012. Little Dayton will become a big brother when he is 2 1/2 years old. We have not told Dayton about the excitement yet but plan to once we find out the gender in the coming month.

Of course, we are very excited.

California Dreamin'

Namie, Bebop, Dayton & his 'rents at Hess Winery
Dayton at his first wine tasting at Sterling Vineyards with Namie & Bebop
(he's drinking water....)
On the trolley in San Francisco!

Dayton loved the 'baby cows', 'baby cows say hi to Day Day'...he says.


Dayton could not get enough of train town! He also went on his first Ferris wheel ride. He said he was scared to go at first but with his Mom and Dad on either side of him, he loved the 'up-high, down-low and around-and-around'.

Some Jill and Mike time....pretending not to be parents for awhile.

At Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco
On the boat to go under the Golden Gate bridge and around Alcatraz. Dayton passed out on my lap about 2 minutes after this picture was taken. With a blanket wrapped around us, I endured endless splashes as everyone else moved to the other side of the boat. I would not move due to the risk of waking him. He slept the entire boat ride.

Our Little Boy with his 'baby cows'

We climbed a tree at one of the wineries

The boys taking a break at Hess Winery

We had a wonderful family vacation to Napa, Sonoma and San Francisco in late July. Our friends Shaniece and Mike gave us the excuse to go when they decided to get married in Napa. At the time, we asked my parents to come to Texas to watch Dayton while we attended the wedding...they were not excited about coming to hot/humid Texas in July but suggested meeting us in Napa. With this idea, a wonderful adventure for all unfolded.

Dayton got to spend quality time with Namie and Bebop while we enjoyed wine tastings with our friends in the Napa area and attending other wedding festivities. Dayton went to his first wine tasting with Namie and Bebop which included a gondola ride (Sterling Vineyards). He even had a few sleepovers in Namie and Bebop's room which was endlessly appreciated by Dayton's Mom and Dad. Bebop taught Dayton how to play 'Angry Bird' on the iPhone and enjoyed splash time in the pool together. Namie was up early every morning with Dayton to watch the hot air balloons float over the valley. Needless to say, Dayton's Grandparents kept him very busy and the kid caught a nap when he could.

After a few wonderful days of wedding festivities, we continued to hop around wine country together. We visited Train Town in Sonoma, Imagery Winery, Benziger Winery (tractor ride - - - super cool for Dayton), Hess Winery and more. We came home with a case of wine and endless memories.

On Thursday, off to San Francisco we went. In the end, we really only got to spend one day in SF but it was a productive day at Fisherman's Wharf which included trolley and boat rides. While it was a bit brisk, we enjoyed every second of it compared to the 100 degree plus humid heat that is relentless in Houston.

At the conclusion of the trip, Dayton had literally been on almost EVERY form of his utmost delight! Planes, metro train (BART), SF Trolley, tractor, gondola, boat.