We arrived in NJ on Friday and stayed with my parents. Dayton was AMAZING on the flight up...not one complaint from him the entire trip. We had a wonderful day in NYC on Saturday. Dayton had a blast in NYC as we walked along Madison Avenue and ultimately into Central Park. He even got to pose sitting on the famous Alice in Wonderland statue. Mike, of course, was more excited about the 'soulful' Central Park rocks which we posed with. Dayton was full of smiles.
Speaking of smiles, Dayton has discovered that when he opens his mouth VERY wide and squints his eyes, it causes people to laugh. He has begun to do this continuously though out the day to family, friends and complete strangers. He tries to make eye contact and then the show begins. He is quite the ham. Several of the pictures below show this wonderful and laughter-causing smile. We've also captured the moment on video and I highly recommend you watch it if you are in need of a smile. On the plane ride home, Dayton played peekaboo with another baby in the seat in front of him. He would hide behind the seat, then stick his head into the aisle, give the now famous smile, and then peek back behind the seat. This continued for about 10 minutes to the pleasure of the other passengers.
Thank you to Aunt Sandi for hosting a wonderful Passover at her house. It was wonderful to see cousin Annabel, Aunt Tara, Uncle Alex, Cousins Jenna and Joey, Cousin Steve (and meet Vivian) and of course Namie and Bebop. It was wonderful to be with family around the Seder table.
Thank you to Aunt Phyllis who made her way from upstate NY to NJ on her birthday to meet up with us at 9 PM on Sunday for a very short visit. We hope it was worth it! It was wonderful to see you and Dayton enjoyed reconnecting with you (as you can see from the smile on his face).
Thank you to Namie and Bebop for taking care of us for our entire stay.