Last night, the innocent raise of a knee turned into the quick conquering of two stairs. I'm sure he would have ended up at the very top if I had not stopped him. See a few of the pictures I captured before reinforcing 'no' to Dayton. So proud...and scared.
The other pictures are from the first Jewish Family Networking Group event held this past Sunday. I had reached out to a local on-line forum to find out if there was interest in starting such a group. As a result, about 10 families and around 30 adults/kids showed up for our first event. I was very excited about the turn out which also included a couple that went to Union College the same years I did! We are going to continue to have monthly play dates, celebrate Jewish holidays together and share information with one another on what's going on around town in the Jewish community.
For those of you that have commented Dayton is always so's proof that he does shed a tear from time to time. There is no doubt we are SUPER lucky with Dayton's happy demeanor but every baby has a right to cry on a daily basis. Dayton is no different. In this case, he wanted his hat off. Vince, do not take it personally, I don't think it was due to a personal dislike of the Miami Dolphins.
In other news, Dayton's two top front teeth have arrived!
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