We could not be more lucky to have such a great baby. 'Observant', 'happy', 'good' and ' cute' are the adjectives that we hear describe Dayton most often. They are all true. He loves meeting new people and takes everything in around him. We love our little guy, 'goober', 'gooberhead', 'Little D', 'D-boy', 'Day-Day', 'Day', 'Mr. D.', 'D-D', and as his Great Grandfather Hershey calls him, 'Double D'. Although, I'm not supporting that nick-name as it sounds more like a bra-size rather than a nick-name.
Here they are, Dayton's six month pictures with Mr. Lamb as well as a really cute video of Dayton sitting on his Daddy's chest smushing Daddy's face. One of Dayton's favorite pastimes is smushing faces and eating noses.
Oh - My - you're a Mommy!! How did I not know about this?? Many congratulations to you both, he is ADORABLE!! I will be keeping in touch with you all from now on!