Amongst all the celebrations, we cannot forget the earthquake in Haiti. My best friend from childhood, Sasha Kramer, has lived in Haiti for several years building compost toilets that can in turn be used to fertilize the soil. Since the earthquake, she has done everything she can in Port Au Prince to help the people there. You can follow her blog and donate to her organization at: This is money that will go directly to the people that need it and avoid the distribution issues that larger organizations are challenged with. One of her recent blogs was featured on Vanity Fair's website ( and she was also interviewed on Democracy Now.
Dayton is truly amazing. He is full of smiles and getting more active every minute. If he is on your lap you have to hold him tight or he'll lunge for the remote or other electronic devices such as cell phones, cameras, etc. He squirms around on his belly and over the past week has begun to get up on all fours and rock back and forth. Crawling here we come! Let the baby gates be installed! He has graduated from rice cereal that he began eating in mid-December and has started on veggies - - - green beans first and now carrots. He is enjoying these new tastes. While feeding him with the baby spoon, I noticed that he was biting down on the spoon....and with this I discovered that his two bottom front teeth are starting to push through his gums. Not fully emerged yet but any minute now.
While up in New Jersey for my Dad's 65th, he showed that he continues to love meeting new people. He was passed from relative, to family friend, to relative - - - and never complained. He had a great time and as a result, we all did.
Here are some pictures of the past few weeks.
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