It was wonderful.
Saturday was a rainy day in Houston so we packed up the diaper bag and went to Barnes and Noble. Dayton had a fabulous time in the kids section and beyond. Mike and I enjoyed exploring with Mr. D.
On Saturday night, we had arranged a neighborhood outing to a new restaurant in the 'hood called BRC (see Big Red Chicken pictures below - - - although the name does not stand for 'chicken'...take the 'L' out of 'clock'). Mike knew we were getting together with the 'hoodies but not that it was also for his birthday. There were 12 1/2 of us in all (including Dayton) that greatly enjoyed our meal and drinks at this new locale. We all had a blast, including Dayton, as you can see from all the smiles in the pictures below. Dayton played on the table, under the table, on everyone's laps and a game of peek-a-boo behind chairs (see pics).
Sunday was spent recovering from the night before. I've become a very cheap date post-pregnancy. 'Nuff said.
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