My Aunt Sandi was greatly disappointed by our cancellation the weekend prior to go to Florida for my Grandpa's 90th birthday. To protest, she bought a plane ticket using miles to come visit Dayton and me on Mother's Day weekend. We would not be alone afterall for Mother's Day.
A day or so later, Mike called with good news. His Middle East/Europe trip was ending early and he would be home in time for Mother's Day.
Things were quickly shaping up!
Aunt Sandi arrived on Thursday evening and Mike on Saturday afternoon. It was a lovely weekend with great weather, Houston's famous Art Car parade, lots of walks in the neighborhood, Dayton/Aunt Sandi bonding, a Father/Son reunion, Mother's Day brunch at Benjy's, bouquet's of flowers and lovely gestures from friends and family.
Dayton continues to take up to 3 steps on his own and will walk and walk and walk as long as he is holding or pushing ANY object (see video at the bottom of this post). He now loves to walk up and down the stairs...yes, I said 'walk'. He holds our hands and takes the steps up and down with a big smile.
Thank you to Aunt Sandi for the last minute trip to Texas to make sure I was not alone for Mother's Day. Thank you for showing your love by simply being here - - let alone the gifts and cooking (yummy)!
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