Instead of going to the party, Dayton decided to take his first 3 steps on May 1st. Just shy of 10 months old. We were playing the 'standing game' and instead of falling forward into my chest, he took three steps towards me. He has done it one other time since then but we're sure consistent independent walking is just around the corner. Lucky us!
Dayton is full of activity. He only gets more and more active and interactive as each day passes. For example, he climbs stairs, attempts to go down them too, climbs to the highest point of every object, walks easily while pushing a cart, walks next to me when holding onto one of my fingers, loves using Mikki as an object to hold onto when he stands up, and more. He loves to chatter too. We can't wait until we understand what he is saying.
He is so much fun. His newest game is to hold onto my knees when I am sitting down and let go with both hands while he is standing up. Hence, the 'standing game'. He looks up at me with a sparkle in his eye and a big smile while he waits to fall. More recently, he has decided to go from that position to launching himself into my chest. He loves when I chase him on the floor and he loves to climb all over me when I lay on the ground. He giggles and giggles and loves to clap.
He loves music. The daycare reports that he loves to be right next to the stereo when the music plays. I also catch him dancing from time to time. He bops up and down and side to side. He also loves animals...and it is a good thing given that we are an animal friendly home and our neighborhood is crawling with four-legged pets. Dogs are always making him laugh including when Mikki kisses him.
Here are a few pics from the past few weeks. Dayton is getting harder and harder to take a picture of as he is constantly moving. For the first time this morning, he stopped what he was doing 3 times to smile at the camera. Super cute.

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