It's our first day on our own. All relatives have returned home and Mike is at work. Is it really already 4 PM? Where did the day go?
I'm proud to say that I was showered by 9 AM...WITH make-up on. For those of you that do not have children, this is actually quite an accomplishment. We were off to Dayton's second doctor's appointment scheduled at 11:30 AM....and we go there ON-TIME! Thank gosh for the new sling I bought at A Women's Work yesterday. I can't imagine having to walk with Dayton in a car seat from the parking lot -> doctor's office -> lab one building over and then visa versa. Thanks again to my doula, Amanda, who is a great teacher in the fine art of using a sling. Dayton and I both love it. I even had him in there when I was drying my hair this morning. Ahh, the ability to use both hands at the same time!
More details on the doctor's appointment - - - Dayton was born at 7 lb 13 oz and two days later had dropped down to 7 lb 1 oz which is quite normal for a newborn. Two days later at our first doctor's appointment, Dayton was back up to 7 lb 9 oz which everyone was quite amazed about. Now, one week and one day after his last weigh in....Dayton now weighs (drum roll please)...8 lb 10 oz! Damn good breast milk, I tell you...and Dayton with an amazing sucker. =-) The doctor has approved Dayton to wait more than 4 hours between feedings at night which means more sleep for me. The little guy continues to sleep great at night already with only one middle of the night feeding.
I can't stop knocking on wood...on our first day on our own - - -Me and Mr. D are doing great!