Wow! How surreal that Dayton is one-week old today. Mike and I can barely grasp that this baby has not always been in our lives. We are so thankful for him. He continues to require one middle of the night feeding but otherwise sleeps thru the night. He is also happy entertaining himself in his boppy on the play mat. This can last up to 30 minutes without any interaction from others. Amazing.
Dayton has had several visitors since coming into the world. Ginger came to visit in the hospital on July 4th when Dayton was one-day old. It was also Ginger's birthday. Mary Ann and Laura came to visit yesterday. Dayton warmed up to both of them immediately. Thanks to Mary Ann for babysitting Dayton for 15 minutes while Mom and Dad went for a walk around the block with the dogs. It was Jill's first outing in the 'hood and it was nice to see the neighbors.
As you can see, our animal tribe is completely comfortable and gentle with Dayton. It continues to astound me how peaceful they are with him. It's like they were expecting him. In this picture, Tiger shared time on Mike's lap with Dayton.
One week old....time is already flying by.
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