Monday, August 9, 2010

Dayton's First Call to 911

Last week, as I was changing Dayton's diaper one last time before heading to the airport to go to New Jersey, I handed Dayton my cell phone. A proven distraction technique.

I always lock my phone to make sure he cannot call out, etc - - - apparently this time, I did not.

As he pushed the buttons on my phone (with a touch of slobbering) I thought nothing of it.

My phone rang.

Before I could get it, Dayton touched a button and it stopped.

I handed the phone back to him and continued changing him.

It rang again.

This time, I picked up.

"Mam, this is the 911 Emergency Line. Your son just called us and it is our obligation to call you back".

Startled, I explained to the woman that Dayton had been playing with my phone and I was very sorry for the call. Apparently, this must happen all the time because she knew what was going on before I did.

Please note that there is not a single button on my phone to call 911. Dayton must have hit 9-1-1 and the call button in the perfectly right order.

I'm so proud - - - I think.


  1. haha! I'm just waiting for something similar to happen to us. So funny!

  2. Actually, you can make a 911 call while the phone is locked! If someone is pushing several buttons at one time then a screen appears and says "are you sure you want to make an emergency call" (or something like that) and then you just have to push one more button and 911 magic!
